The peace, the quiet... yes, they have gone back to school! Do I sound worn out?!! Well I am! We had a lovely couple of weeks (an extra week due to the cheeky weeks holiday we took before half term) but come the end of the week we were all definitely ready to go back. (In fact so enthusiastic was I that it was time to return to school we almost turned up at school a day early - yesterday - until I got a text from my friend just before leaving that it was a teacher training day, AAAhhhhh! ).
Anyway here we are, the big post holiday cleanup almost completed, washing being sorted, and then I can go upstairs and tackle the craft room that was thrown into chaos last week and have a couple of hours of creativity.
I did have one lovely day off last week though when my husband looked after things at home and I spent a fantastic crafty making day with Louise at Hope and Elvis, always fun, inspiring and full on assault of creativity!
Lots of chatting, sewing, tea and scrumptious cup cakes made by the very talented Debs of Two Bones and A Bagle, it was so lovely to meet her in person at last after chatting in blogland, a really warm talented crafty lady.
I made a couple of postcard wall hangings using Louise's vintage images that we ironed on with transfer paper onto fabric and then tried a bit of free machining. (More practice needed with the free machine lettering I think!).
In the afternoon it was really nice to sit have a natter and catch up with my patchwork hexagon flower blanket for the Wednesday Hexalong!

Do you want to see the first pieces? Four patchwork flowers so far (28 hexies!).
I'm hoping that I will end up with a beautiful blanket like this one that I saw on Kelly Rachel's blog - check out her blog for lots of beautiful hexi inspiration.

If you want to join in Melissa's Wednesday Hexalong, visit her blog for easy printable hexi templates, a brilliant video tutorial (thanks to Melissa's talented daughter Bella) and lots more hexi goodness!
Off now to tidy up the craft room and do a couple of hours crafting before the school pickup!
Oh so kind Sally it was a good day wasn't it - i have been hexing some more not sure if I should carry on or stick at a cushion - decisions, decisions. I haven't found my other hexies yet will post about them when I do.
ReplyDeleteOh your postcard hanging are so cute!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed your hols.
Lisa x
Lovely pieces of fabric - the stash can not half grow! Happy sewing!
ReplyDeleteI had the Oscars taped too so I could FF the boring thank yous!!!!
ReplyDeleteVictoria x
Popped over from One Crafty Mumma. I'm joining in the hex-along as well. Love the fabric you are using. I fell in love with that quilt on Kelly Rachel's blog as well. By the time I saw it, I was committed to a design. Next time. Look forward to seeing your progress. And isn't it quiet without the children!
ReplyDeleteHi Sally thanks for the tip about the photo I sorted it out. The feedsack fabric I mentioned was the sack to hold flour and grain in America. The sacks then got repurposed into dresses and quilts etc. I'm booked onto the two courses so we will meet again I reserved my place today they are both filling up fast. If you would like me to send you some of my stash (I have plenty) to help in your hexalong let me know and I will glady gift some to you. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI really want to make hexagon flowers! They are so cute!