When I eventually found it (its a bit tucked away) it was! Its a large old building filled with lots of different sellers selling all sorts of things from furniture to knicknacks to books, toys, kitchenalia, linens, patchwork blankets, fabrics, handmade lace... I could go on. Its an aladdin's cave, thus I spent TWO hours there looking at everything. I was so engrossed looking I forgot to photograph anything while I was there, but this is what I bought.
A lovely hand painted butterfly necklace on a long chain.
Some old postcards.
A piece of 50's fabric.
I could have bought more but I was overwhelmed as there was just too much choice! I did have my eye on some printers trays to put on the wall in my craft room, so I might return soon for those!
As I had spent soooo long looking around I only had 20 minutes to kill until leaving for the school pick up, so stopped in TK Max. Can you believe these lovely red (leather!) shoes were only £4!
I treated myself in Next as well to a really comfy skirt (brilliant shirred waist band - I have finally succumbed to comfort first) and big pockets.

Excuse the poor photo (and mess behind!).
And I can't finish without showing you these presents a received this weekend from our lovely friends who came to visit with a totally unexpected belated christmas present to me. I feel very spoilt, but what a lovely start to the week!
Hey I looked at the printers trays too - i'll race you. Only joking but ~I did have a good look at them and a ponder. K said they were a bit heavy for the wall - think that equates to we alredy have copious amounts of stuff why would we need more (polite version just for you). Lol - glad you loved it - it's Lincoln and Newark big antiques soon - heaven i'm in heaven - whoops carried away again. TTFN.