Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My House Today ♥♥♥♥

Weeds your days are numbered.  I'm coming at the weekend..

Violas still looking pretty in the porch...
A pretty new dress my mum bought me yesterday

Dahlias and seeds coming to life in the conservatory.

My newly organised craft book shelf.

Some of my threads and buttons (starting to be sorted in colours). Need more jars!

A nice view in the corner of my craft room.

Happy Thursday xx

Saturday, March 31, 2012


I've just had an email today Keukenhof in the Netherlands saying that they are open now and in full bloom. If you've never been to Keukenhof and have the chance to go, I would definitely urge you to do so at this time of year it is stunning.

Keukenhof is the largest bulb flower garden in the world, dedicated to spring bulbs, tulips, narcissi, hyacinths the list goes on!  They say more than 7 million flowers!

I've been looking back at photographs of a trip we took there when we went to Amsterdam for my birthday in 2010, and thought I'd share a few of the photos with you.

Just drink in the colours of these stunning flowers....

Spectacular view across the bulb fields

Just one small corner of the glass houses - so many varieties!

Its definitely on my list of somewhere I would love to revisit.   Hope you enjoyed the photos.

Sally xox

Friday, June 3, 2011

Can I take you on a Tour of My Garden?

This is sort of a "before and after", but the wrong way round!

When we first moved to this house we were lucky to have enough land to start to grow things. This was our first vegetable plot, to the side of our house, eight beds and some hazel tunnels which we grew beans and sweet peas up. (Our house is in the middle of our plot so its sort of split into different sections as you will see). I think in this photo there are some cabbages, broad beans (my favourite) carrots, onions.
This is a year or so later, we moved the hazel to form an archway over the central path over which we grew our squashes, beans and peas.

It was lovely that the children got involved sowing seeds and picking what they'd grown.
Tromboncino, lovely little courgettes, or bigger as a squash. I always grew an extra large one to enter into the village show or carve into a creature for Halloween.

Another corner of our garden became the flower garden, where I grew all my favourite flowers for cutting. Amaranthus, dahlias, calendula, cosmos, salvias...

The Cutting Garden in Spring
A spring bed, in a slightly shadier patch under a tree. Tall, stately foxgloves, one of my favourite flowers.
This is our front garden, where I packed in lots of jungly colourful plants.

So that was the before. Are you ready for the after?

1. The Vegetable Plot...
2. The Front Jungly Garden (nettle tea anybody?)

3. The Flower Garden (blimey those poppies really self seed!)

As you can tell (!) we are doing some renovation work at the moment (we have extended our house over my beloved veggie patch and the cutting garden is going to become a parking area) so my poor garden is a total mess. It has been totally neglected this year, and probably shan't be touched again until things are completed later in the year, so its so nice to look back at photos of how it used to look!! It might look a big disaster, but I know it will look lovely and change isn't always a bad thing.

There will be some space left for a small veggie/flower patch so I'm really looking forward to starting a whole new garden, although it probably won't be until the autumn time as we have our hands full at the moment with all the work in the house going on.

Thanks for coming on a tour of my garden!


Saturday, March 26, 2011


I love springtime!

A quick jaunt around the garden this morning with a pair of scissors and look what beautiful springtime flowers were in bloom.

So beautiful and uplifting! All this lovely warm sunshiney weather has brought them all out together.

I had to take some pics of them altogether before I go and distribute them around the house!

Enjoy your weekend!